Soon there will be an election. America will choose new leaders. This is an article I penned some time ago. Given what our nation now faces I felt it appropriated to revisit it.
Many will pay little or no attention to local elections. Others will vote for a Party, or for those they are told too. They forge their own chains.
Please share what I have shared with you with others. "Together we are many"
By: Steve Trubilla
“There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.” — Ed Howdershelt
Is there even one person in our country today that cannot feel the chains of government tyranny threatening our very liberty? As we move forward as a state, we must remember those that came before us, and why they sacrificed so much. There have been two times in our history when everyday hard working North Carolinians sat in their homes praying that they would be spared the horrors of invading forces. People endured atrocities on a scale beyond anything a gifted screen writer could imagine. Men, women, and children were murdered in their homes, while countless others were imprisoned and tortured for nothing more than resisting the occupying forces.
If you honestly believe this could not happen again, you are denying the lesson of history. Truly, to paraphrase Edmond Burke, all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that we do nothing as our liberty is taken. More correctly stated, our liberty is not being taken—we are giving it away.
The birth right bequeathed to every American was paid for in blood by self reliant people who believed they were responsible for their own prosperity. They did not expect their government to feed, clothe, and tend to their every want and need. They refused to accept taxation without representation. The idea that foreign governments would dictate the terms of freedom were not negotiable. When their children were pressed into service to fight foreign wars and build empires for other nations, they stood to be counted and refused to comply. When challenged on their belief in God, they were willing to die for freedom of religion.
Why did the American Revolution happen? It happened because people decided they would not be slaves to their government. Why did the American Civil War, also referred to as the War of Northern Aggression, or War Between the States, happen, It happened because states and people were denied their 10th amendment constitutional rights. In fact, both happed for the same reason: oppressive government.
The so-called progressives, with the support of hyphenated Americans and their revisionist history, are literally destroying the fabric of our nation. It has actually gone so far that a movement to change high school curriculum is underway eliminating teaching students the period prior to 1877. This aggressive act will serve to erode, and with time, remove our founding ancestors and their commitment to freedom from the memories of generations to come. This is synonymous with the burning of books in Nazi Germany to reshape history. In my life time it is one of the boldest attacks on our way of life that I have witnessed. I submit this is another “new world order” attempt to socially engineer the minds of America’s youth.
Is this the kind of change they are talking about? I agree there is a need for change. The political winds are starting to stir again and elections are on the horizon. We have more than enough politicians, but what we need are patriots! We need these patriots to restore the Republic and values our founding mothers and fathers conceived and brought to life.
As you decide who you are going to vote for, ask yourself: are you happy with runaway borders, out of control national debt, the Federal Reserve printing money faster than the speed of light, the open attack on Christianity, the suppression of a real free press, the erosion of your property rights, the general attack on the 2nd Amendment, American men and women permanently deployed into over (135) sovereign nations, an education system that is failing our youth, rhetoric that fuels racial tension, taxation without real representation, the erosion of our industrial base, nationalized health care, a politically correct judiciary, nationalized banks, the government takeover of the automotive industry, and the never ending attack on our national pride.
As you consider what has been written here, ask yourself: have you heard anyone make a comment about the possibility of civil unrest, or uncertainty for the future? Have you had the thought, or heard anyone express concern over a major national financial collapse? Do you feel, or have you recently heard anyone say the government is being oppressive and that taxes are out of control? Are these the seeds of revolution?
While we still have time, it is time for real change. One based on the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Not as these documents have been distorted or manipulated, but as they were written.
Vote for whomever you will, but be cautious. Vote for a patriot not a politician. No civilized person supports or wants to see violence and humanity demands due diligence to avoid it. Know this and take comfort in it. There are people in this country, like our ancestors, that will never submit to tyranny. It is a matter of measure. How much is too much? Some things are worth fighting for.
"The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come!" ...Patrick Henry
Patriots pledge allegiance to the flag………….not to those that would use it to destroy their country.
Steve Trubilla
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