Steve Trubilla
All associations begin with wants and needs. Someone needs or wants something, it is made known.
The giving or getting of that thing does not define the association. It is if those involved are truthful and honor what they commit to do that does.
The dynamics in truly meaningful relationships can build the bond of friendship, however they are complex, yet also are very simple. The nexus is trust. Trust is the principle which embodies honesty. Absent the pillar of honesty, no real relationship, or even merit for association exists, just the illusion of one.
Does principle matter when it comes to politics, family, business, or other valued relationships, or do expectations blur the lines? The answer should be yes, an unequivocal and resounding yes! Those closest to you are most invested in your fidelity of principle.
If someone close to you is running for office you naturally feel the obligation to be supportive, and they have the expectation that you will be. Expectation, what a word. It is possible more relationships have been destroyed because of another's expectations. This more than any other condition.
As it relates to political office, before the expectation of support should come question of what they stand for.
Over the years I have talked with many running for office. Some which are friends and business associates. Like-minded people that have told me they are diametrically opposed to the Party they are affiliated with. Some of these people are in office right now, and plan to run for reelection.
It always begs my question, if in core principle you are so at odds with the Party platform, why are you with that Party? The initial response is generally the same, an awkward blank stare. Then a comment like it is a matter of numbers and demographics. There is little to no chance to win with the other Party.
They offer, it is just a local election, and say things like they really do not support this or that person. If only they can get elected they can work from within against them, followed with, I would really appreciate your vote.
Let us review this. A person aligns themselves with others they seek support from. Then privately rebuke them, as they accept support from those they have been disloyal to.
For the candidate, I have a few questions. Is this the basis for a meaningful relationship? Is that what you are looking for, or is it, you just want to get elected, and will use anyone necessary to that end?
Some would say this is just politics, the way it is, and always has been done. In many cases they would be right. So then just how do you know what someone really stands for if it is not what they tell you?
In broad strokes it is easy. They stand for the same things those they stand with stand for. It is where their campaign money is coming from. Indeed, follow the money. If their Party supports late-term abortion, open borders, racial divide, the destruction of national monuments, and fights against voter ID integrity that is what "they" stand for.
It is the height of hypocrisy and dishonesty for a person to lie to others to garner their support as they ask you to believe what they then tell you.
Friendship and politics present as a conundrum when these conditions exist. One wants to be supportive of friends. Often on a personal level, elections are in the abstract, as you are not seeking any office.
The election will come and go.
How do you resolve this, what do you do? Are you a person of conviction and principle, or when it counts; are you just like your friend? Talking the talk, but not walking the walk.
May be it is time for some reflection before relenting to expectation and giving your support in the next election.
No true friend would have the expectation you compromise your principles just so they can get elected. If they do, take good measure of it, they are not your friend. They will compromise what little principle they have at your expense, when it is to their benefit.
In this you have no real friendship. There is not even a meaningful relationship. It is an association best ended.
The time for sitting on fences is over.