Tax and spend, then tax and spend some more.
Every Republican opposed raising your taxes, and offered options not to. Their names are Harry Foy, David Bunn and Don Lancaster .
The Democrat and chairman of the board of county commissioners refused to answer questions about the strategic plan for economic development in Franklin County.
I have researched this, and there is no viable plan.
The Democrats have been in control of politics in Franklin County since the 1890-ties. Those that voted for this tax increase have been in office and or exercising influence for years.
In 2016 they will ask to be returned to office. Of course they voted against the will of the people in an off election year to raise taxes.
Remember this is 2016, if you do not, count on it, nothing is going to change, and there will be more tax increases.
Why is it all around us other counties have lower taxes? Where are the jobs, again where are the jobs? Why will your elected officials not answer these questions?
By: Steve Trubilla
What would you say if I told you your property taxes are going up, and the reason is that there simply is not enough money to even maintain basic services?
Your initial reaction may be, "What do you mean there is not enough money?" Then after thinking about it you may say, "Well, if it is necessary, I am willing to do my part."
No one wants to pay more taxes, but everyone would like emergency services to come when they need them. No one really wants to pay for a school, but everyone wants their children to get a good education. Reasonable people understand these things cost money, and it has to come from somewhere.
So where did I hear there is not enough money? I heard this at the same public meeting where we heard that the county is adding new employees and many departments are increasing spending.
We cannot afford what we have, and they want to spend more?
Now remember you are being told, "The sky is falling." There is not even enough money to fix everything that is broken or falling apart. The only way to do it is to raise taxes.
I want to believe this, I honestly do. The problem is the facts just plain do not support it.
Resident after resident of Franklin County has appeared before the county commissioners pointing to outrageous waste and inefficiency. Literally millions of dollars are involved.
It is now common knowledge the county is due $1.423 million from those who have not paid their taxes.
What action has been taken to recover this money? I have been told there has not been a property foreclosure for unpaid taxes since 2008.
I want you to think about this for a few minutes. You are being told to pay more, and they are not even going after what is already owed.
So those that pay their taxes will have to pay more, and it looks like those that do not will just get a pass.
I feel the $1.423 million of money owed, and past due, should be collected before more is asked for. I see it as money just waiting for someone to put in the cash box.
Where does the buck stop with this and so many other things here in Franklin County?
Over time I have learned we have some very capable and hardworking people in charge of the many functions of our county government. Well intended, dedicated people who take their responsibilities very seriously.
This said, everyone answers to someone, and the county manager answers to the county commissioners.
I have personally talked with many department heads. It is not lost to them that we are literally flailing, trying to react in the absence of having a structured plan.
As it is within any organization, success is vested in leadership. Someone has to set the course and pace.
If one sets out on a journey without a map, it is predictable they will become lost. Those that follow them will also find they are lost.
I have asked time and time again what the plan is. No one seems to know. I mean, seriously, what is the five, or 10-year plan, and who is tracking it?
If this is just plain too hard for our elected officials to do, then we need to find those who can.
Yes, we are now faced with a financial crisis, and will have to suffer a tax increase. Indicators are if new leadership is not found it will not be the last one.
Call your county commissioner, don't ask him, tell him, to collect the $1.423 million that is owed.
If you choose to vote for the same people, or party politics, who have walked you into all of this, then you will get what you deserve.
In 2016 there are four county commissioner seats coming up for re-election. It is time to set a new course for Franklin County.
By the way, did you notice this has all come up during a year there is not an election?