By: Steve Trubilla
I remember a time of great national pride. A time when it seemed the entire world looked to the United States as the hope for the future. Strong and proud, a faith-based nation, innovative and leading the way forward in all things.
Do you remember this?
America the beautiful, God shed his grace on thee. The “greatest” generation; what a legacy they left.
Most were not wealthy or well educated. They were what todays’ elitist liberals and socialist would call the type that would cling to their bible, flag, and guns.
People that worked hard, often too hard for the little they had. They appreciated what they did have; they earned it.
They endured 1929’s Black Tuesday, the Great Depression, and the black blizzards of the Dust Bowl in the 1930’s.
In 1917, and then again in 1941 they defeated the greatest evil the world had known in modern times.
They suffered through seeing the ravages of diseases most today have never heard of, Scarlet fever, Polio, and Small Pox to name a few. Hardship was common and so was prayer.
The history that came before them was not an accepted excuse to be used to gain advantage over others.
They did not live in an air conditioned world with food stamps and free cell phones, or grow up with free housing and health care.
Nor did they expect others to feed or clothe their children. The very concept of this was beyond their comprehension.
Charity was not the government’s role. It was not a culture of entitlement.
Going hungry was preferred over asking for a handout. It was not foolish pride, but pride in self-reliance that was valued.
These values and this kind of thinking produced the industrial and agricultural strength of our nation.
The evil of racism, greed, and deviance have always been with us. But there was a time that it was not excused or accepted, certainly not by most people.
Those that practiced such things were outcast. Things like respect for the elderly, helping a neighbor in need, and honor were held to be important.
It was before every one was so “well educated” and enlightened.
Most people today may have more things and information, but are they smarter, more moral, or for that matter, even happier?
Have you ever wondered where the phrase, “A man’s word is his bond” came from? It used to be so, but not anymore. Today, with rare exception, a person’s word means nothing. Yet it means everything.
What is our legacy going to be for tomorrow’s children, what will they remember of us?
The possibilities are endless. Imagine if we were to find a cure for cancer, truly discover the answer to renewable energy, or unlock the secrets of other life in the universe.
Yes, these are dreams, and possibly a bit too ambitious.
Maybe if we could just be remembered for being the generation that stopped the wholesale murder of the unborn it would be enough.
Tens, if not hundreds of millions of children have been denied life by immoral laws.
A continuing genocide that dwarfs any holocaust the world has ever known.
Imagine a country that valued her children more than anything else, and to be remembered for that.
If you look at our history, politically people have always been in opposition.
There have been great scandals and epic struggles, yet we have endured.
When you look at some of these things, the probability that we still enjoy the dream our Founders envisioned, it defies the odds.
While other nations and cultures have fallen, why is it that we have not?
Could it be as simple as God truly has blessed America? That in spite of the immorality which has infested the hearts and minds of our people, divine grace has been protecting us.
Just how long do you think this will continue?
It is time to take a step back from ourselves and reflect on all that we have, and to stop asking for more.
To appreciate that there is no other place on earth that allows the freedom of thought and expression that we have.
I recently read where Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated in an interview with Al Hayat TV in Egypt she felt our Constitution was outdated.
She said if she were writing a Constitution she would look to the merits of South Africa’s document.
Reflect on this for a moment. Would you rather live in the Middle East or in South Africa?
Do you believe in what Ginsburg was espousing?
There are those that feel this way. They are trying to transform America, and boasting about it.
Should we just get rid of our Constitution and start all over?
I feel it is good our roots were driven very deep at Concord and Lexington.
Today, like back then, people continue to flock to our shores, and for the same reasons.
Think about this when you vote.
Are today’s leaders as wise as our founding fathers and mothers?
Given the Founders brought forth a form of government the world had never before seen I think it is arrogant for many of today’s leaders to think they are.