By: Steve Trubilla
Radical Republicans are destroying the country, a charge routinely made by attack puppies for the Democrat Party. Well, of course they are.
I bet this just put a big smile on every Liberal's face. Don't go for the popcorn or bubbly just yet.
Just playing with the puppies; having a little fun with them.
The reliance on the perceived stupidity of the American voter is strategy for the Democrat Party.
I am going to preempt the predictable attack for this statement by proving it. Do you remember the name Jonathan Gruber? Gruber ignited a political firestorm when he thanked "the stupidity of the American voter" for leading to passage of the Affordable Care Act; turned out to be not so affordable.
The President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, by way of the media, looked the American people in the face personally assuring them they could keep their doctors and insurance.
Time and scathing evidence has proven the American people were lied to. It was known even as the legislation was being signed, millions of Americans would not be able to keep the insurance and doctors they had.
If you look up the definition of fraud, this is a good fit for it.
Do you remember when President William Jefferson Clinton looked America in the face and boldly lied? There are now many, due to political spin, that believe President George Walker Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction. The facts do not support it, and being wrong does not make you a liar. Saddam Hussein wanted the world to believe he had the weapons. He convinced many he did.
Enter Hillary Clinton. I could go back for decades to beat my point into the ground. Let me grab the low hanging fruit; classified material, the server, and email. Now a candidate for president, on national television boldly stated she "did not" receive or send classified material via her server.
Arrogantly, she even laughed about it. FBI Director James B. Comey's testimony before Congress proved she did, and on multiple devices, period.
Do you honestly believe a former Secretary of State, former U.S. Senator; graduate of Wellesley College, Yale, and a lawyer, did not know what she was doing? I mean really?
To borrow a few of her words, at this point what difference does it make?
Look at the news. There are bodies everywhere. Our enemies do not care if they are killing Republicans, Democrats. They just want to kill us.
America's sons and daughters, your children, are spread all over the world standing in harm's way that is what difference it makes. Not having our cities bombed, our power grid taken down, and the list is endless. That is what difference it makes.
I know a great deal about classified material and how dangerous it is when compromised. The lawyers and politicians can bend what Hillary Clinton did to their purpose, and they have. It does not change what she did. Espionage is an art, an ongoing campaign. It is generally not the one piece of information that does the most damage; it is the synergy of it.
Have you noticed no mention of the damage done? I guess that does not matter either.
Should she be prosecuted? I feel most would say yes; will she be, no. Imagine how this sits with those that went to, or are in prison now, for much less. What do you think the chances are you would have been prosecuted? This is what is destroying our country.
It is said a grand jury, if so inclined, could indict a ham sandwich. Why was there no grand jury?
Oh, because law enforcement, the FBI director, said 'no reasonable prosecutor' would bring a case against Clinton.
When did it become the role of law enforcement to decide what a prosecutor would or should do? Political influence, you tell me. No reasonable prosecutor would bring a case. Knowing what you know about this do you believe that? This is what is destroying our country.
When the IRS targets people for their politics, is caught and escapes accountability via political favor that is destroying our country.
How about sanctuary cities, zones where those that violate our immigration laws, even convicted felons are protected? Remember Kate Steinle, and the now thousands of other victims? What good are our laws without enforcement? This is what is destroying our country.
When people chant, "What do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now." and instead of going directly to jail they are invited to the White House. Yes, this is what is destroying our country.
I could fill pages with more examples.
A few days ago we learned members of the Democrat National Committee allegedly conspired to undermine Senator Bernie Sanders' campaign to influence the outcome of a presidential election, yet another face of voter fraud.
When it comes time to vote, I hope you remember the Democrats are counting on you not being very bright.
So to the puppies yapping radical Republicans are destroying the country, and I say puppies because they are not big dogs.
Don't talk so stupid!
This story published in the Franklin Times newspaper on July 28, 2016, Louisburg, North Carolina