By: Steve Trubilla
I met a man that said people hated him because of the color of his skin, I tried to understand.
I met a woman that wanted to marry another woman, I tried to understand.
I met a man that said others should provide for him, I tried to understand.
I met a woman that said there is no God, I tried to understand.
Alone is the man that seeks only to understand, those that only want "you" to understand.
There are many things I do not understand, and there are some I clearly do. One of them is the art or political distraction.
There is a saying that if wealth is your desire, earning the first million is very hard, so you should work on the second million first. The lesson is flawed, as it teaches to put off what is most hard.
We have very real threats to our nation, trillions of dollars of debt, unsecured borders, enemies closing on obtaining nuclear weapons, and unrelenting cyber-attacks threatening every aspect of government and industry. This is just the short list.
I guess these things could be called a politician's "first million," too hard to do. So they want to talk about the second million, and put off the hard and most important work.
As a nation, we are on a course that will change life as we know it, and not in a good way.
Here enters the most recent distraction. Unless you are living under a rock you have seen and heard the uproar about what the ill-informed, or in some cases, better said, the intentionally stupid, are calling the Confederate flag, and blaming it for.
A hate-filled and terrible person committed the unspeakable, and what do many, too many, we look to for leadership do? They jump on it like the last beer at a frat party.
You know the saying; never let a good tragedy go to waste. It is politics "101."
There has been more said about the Southern Cross, which is the correct name of the battle standard they refer to, than there has been about the willful murder of church goers in South Carolina.
The political grandstanding, in my opinion, is obscene. The most distasteful of it all was done at memorial services.
How absolutely disrespectful this was to the fallen and their families. The irony is, those that did this are so blinded by their own agendas and political ambition, they do not get it.
I suspect if they were called on it, they would add insult to injury by trying to defend what they did.
Also not gone unnoticed is the growing list of companies now trying to squeeze a buck puffing out their "understanding" corporate hearts by removing all merchandise with the Southern Cross on it.
A closer look at what they have done will more likely show they caused a run on the purchase of the items. I could be wrong, but I did not see where they removed, and put it all in the trash.
More likely they sent the items to an overseas market.
I am not saying, or even suggesting racial hatred is not part of this tragedy. It is, and some of the very people now up on their high horses decrying it have been making a very good living advancing it.
You know who they are. Of course if you call them out, you will be labeled a racist, and who wants that?
The truth of the matter is if not for their race baiting, no one would even know who they are. They are only even noticed through self-promotion. For many of them it has become their family business.
Yes, it is the well-known game of distraction. Do not stand upon principal, and frontally take on the real issues.
Side step them and go for the low-hanging fruit. You can almost hear the strategy sessions, "We just need to get past the next election."
"What do the polls say today"?
What about what "We the people" have to say? Neither political party is listening.
I would place a wager today; this is how most people feel.
Why is this accepted? I try to understand.