By: Steve Trubilla
A few days ago we learned who the winners of the 2016 Primary Election were. To all that competed honorably and fairly, thank you for taking on the challenge.
To those that took the low road, bending the laws as you lied about your competition, shame on you, and shame on those who knowingly supported your dishonesty. Did you promise them something, maybe a job for a family member, or your approval when a vote or signature would benefit them?
Well for many, of course you did and they went along with it and you, because they like you place no value on their integrity.
If you support someone that you know is doing wrong, you are no better than they are. Often, it is the knowing of it that is most difficult, but once realized, then you know what you know. It is the nexus where loyalty ends.
A fundamental truth is if someone will use treachery to gain what they want from others, they will use it against you when there is benefit to be gained. Ironically, you already know this. I offer it makes you a useful idiot by then supporting them.
Politics are often referred to as a blood sport. While colorful, this is a misnomer, used with a light hand to excuse those traveling that low road.
A political contest should be one of ideas, grounded in principle and ethics. Honor is among the most important of these principles.
If a person lies to win an election, they will lie while in office. I am not saying anything with this that you do not already know. Like so many other things, we gave become desensitized to it.
Do you believe most politicians will keep the promises they make? Of course you do not, but that is the way the "game" is "played." Played is the operative word, played for a fool.
"Come one, come all, bear witness, I have for you that which can heal. Yes neighbor, I can teach the blind to walk, the lame to see. Vote for me!"
Soon, too soon, the leaves will again change color as the pages of the calendar bring us to the 2016 General Election. Will we have learned anything? I suspect most will not have become noticeably more enlightened. I do not think all people are willfully stupid. It is more a case of us collectively realizing just how far adrift indifference and apathy have carried us.
Many now accept the truly ridiculous. An example of this is a movement underway in our schools to have what is called unisex bathrooms and locker rooms. Yes, boys and girls taking showers together; what a great idea this is. In case someone missed my sarcasm, I think it is not only stupid, it is dangerous.
It will never happen right? Well, look around at what has already happened. Did you ever think prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance would be taken out of schools? Did you ever in your wildest dreams think you would see metal detectors and armed guards at the doors?
Across the country, and even right here in rural Franklin County, North Carolina armed guards are the norm, and simply now accepted. It is, in fact, ridiculous.
As we move forward to the General Election and you will again see people totally betraying the public trust in the conduct of their political campaigns, think about the true cost of electing them.
If they are lying and cheating and you know it, make note. When you see their signs out before they are supposed to be, make note. If you are in a church and hear them bad mouthing their opponent, again make note.
There are those who do what is right because it is right. They seek office to fight the corruption, and improve our quality of life. Let us most remember them. Also, let us not forget to thank the many poll workers, the entire staff of our Franklin County, North Carolina Board of Elections, and those who volunteered to support candidates.
They are in the background doing the work necessary to have our election process in the foreground. By their effort your voice is heard.
After Election Day they do not often hear the words, thank you. When you see them, please take the time to show your appreciation for what they have, and continue to do.
I am sure they will appreciate the gesture.