McDonalds, “Would you like Fries and Wi-Fi with that”?
By: Steve Trubilla
The music is playing and there is a dance going on. It is called an election for our/your School Board. The establishment is all about keeping their money rolling and their people in place.
It is supposed to be non-partisan. It does not matter what political Party you claim. It is to be all about the schools and children, not politics.
Well the Franklin County, NC Democrat political machine is spending a lot of money and writing letters to “influence” this election. They do not respect the non-partisan agreement they committed to.
So is a lie corruption? I say it is, and also yet another face of voter fraud. Think about this when you vote. What other lies have they told you to get your vote?
There is a man running in District 3, Dwight Neal, he has no interest in their political agenda. In fact like so many others he is tired of the noise they keep putting out.
Here is a real issue effecting every family, student, and parent in Franklin County.
For years parents have been driving their children to McDonalds to gain access to the internet so they can do their homework. No member of the School Board, including the incumbent Neal is running against is energized about this.
Mr. Neal is, and has caused others to become involved.
In large part it is why he decided to run for the school board.
If you are a parent or student this is a very big deal!
Grades matter when it is time to compete for scholarships and gaining acceptance by a college.
Parents should not have to take off work or leave early so their children can get their homework done.
This should matter to those that can do something about bringing Broadband to Northeastern Franklin County. The current Franklin County School Board can, but they are not. It is why it is time to replace them with people that will.
McDonalds, “Would you like Fries and Wi-Fi with that”. Look for the story in my Paper Bullets column in next week’s Franklin Times. I encourage you to pick up a copy.
With grant money available for rural broadband you have to ask yourself, just why have they not gone after it?
You can bet when Dwight Neal is on that School Board he will find out why.
This election is going to be decided by very few votes. You can and will make a difference in this election, if you vote.
Please, please get out and vote for Dwight Neal for School Board.
“Paper Bullets” enthusiastically endorses Mr. Dwight Neal for the Franklin County School Board.