By: Steve Trubilla
I am a Democrat, I am a Republican, I am a liberal, or I am a conservative. These are labels we identify with. In large part, others then define us to their advantage by these labels.
To many, it is an all sum game, you have to neatly fit in the defined box. Game really is the most descriptive word. For most politics is just a game to acquire power, money and privilege; nothing more.
In these people, we place great trust and confidence that they will do what is right, because it is right. As children, we are taught to trust our leaders and others that are placed in positions of authority.
We are conditioned, if not programmed, to do what others tell us to do. It is a learned behavior that, until the trust of the teaching is violated, we follow blindly.
The process starts by the teaching of our parents. Those we rely on for the very things we need to hold on to life itself. The bond of such teaching is very strong, for whom would you trust more for truth if not those that have given you your very life, and love you more than anyone else?
No parent with a moral compass would knowingly lead their child into harm’s way. To nurture and guide, they use the experiences of their lives. The foundation of this is the trust they have themselves been taught to place in those placed in authority over them.
We are all taught to trust and listen to the teacher, the clergy, the policeman, the mayor, and even the president.
After all, they were placed in those positions because they are good and honorable people. They know what is best and we should listen to them.
Because we are taught this as children, it is almost impossible to comprehend the reality of the betrayal of this trust when it is visited upon us. This betrayal must be our misunderstanding of what has occurred? For we believe what we believe.
Do you remember being told as a child, “always look for the good in people, and you will find it?” Our conditioned nature is to want to believe it.
If you are a parent, to test this hypothesis, think back to your child’s first day of school. Did you say, “now remember, listen to what the teacher says?”
Did you know the teacher? I mean really know him or her? What they believed in, what had formed their opinions or even if they had a real interest in teaching?
Was what they were doing just a paycheck? To my regret, I did not. Yet I blindly trusted, more than this I must confess the thought never even crossed my mind.
Now before every teacher from here to Timbukto starts to light me up, insert any other authority figure to find the point to the illustration.
The truth is, rare is the person you can blindly trust today with your child’s safety or your personal freedom and liberty. Most extend this trust to politicians with little or no thought at all.
We have learned to rationalize the unacceptable, and then accept things we know to be wrong, because we are conditioned to. Not wanting to believe we are being lied to, yet we are lied to all the time.
An example, have you ever lent someone money, and then when they did not pay you back, found every excuse possible to rationalize why the person was not just a lying thief?
Nationally, examples include open borders, obscene spending, and the federal government’s intrusion into every aspect of our lives.
Locally it is the burning of historical records, politicians’ using their office to influence elections, and making land deals that benefit family and friends.
Have you simply been conditioned to vote for people and things your own good common sense tells you are wrong?
Do you honestly believe it is unreasonable for someone to show identification when they vote? Then why would you support people that believe this? Could it be you have been conditioned to?
If you vote for someone standing with the party that stands against voter ID, then you are, in effect, voting against voter ID.
Labels, what do you believe, and why do you believe it? Are you a Democrat or a Republican and why?
Personally I feel non-affiliated / independent is the best way to go. Those that play the game want you to believe there are only two teams. If you do not join one, you have to sit on the sidelines.
You can help to end this “game,” take the ball away from them.
Please do not vote for someone just because you are told to, or because you are handed a sample ballot with the bubbles already filled in.
What do you really believe, and why do you believe it?
For more information on voting and voter registration you can contact the Franklin County Board of Elections at (919) 496-3898. Their office is located at 107 Industrial Drive, Louisburg, NC 27549